Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | door | earth | fountain | monitor | plant | reckoner | road | sidewalk | skep | sky | windowpane OCR: PRESSURIZED WATER REACTORS This secti ion of the report descri ibes the key component.s of the pressurized light water reactor and explains their opera tion the product ion electri icity Descr ption of the Major Parts pressurized water reactor (see Figure the reactor cool inq water enteri inq the core is highly pressuri ized sc that rema ine be low the boiling point The water leaves the reac tor topass through steam cenera tors where secondary coolant 1 Lowed to boil and produce steam to drive the turbi ine The key components this process the core the con trol rods the reactor vessel, the steam gene rators and the pressur .zer Primary systen Primon Secondary sysien urbir um conde Figure Schematic Pressur ized Water Reactor Sou rce Anthony Nero Gu debook to Nucl lear Reactors (New York: MeG ...